Natural Law - December 2015

We are all self-governing.

Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,

to guide us in the way of the Heart.

You are all my relations. All is One.


“Aloha” is a Hawaiian word that can be translated into ‘the joyful sharing of life energy in the present’ (Curby Rule, The Deeper Meaning of Aloha). Thus, “Aloha” is far more than saying ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’ it is a wholehearted way of life.

During the first half of December, we are invited and supported to actively and regularly open the area in and around our heart. This can be done in many ways, including through stretching, a gratitude practice, prayer/affirmations/mantras/meditations and more. Just find what’s right for you – intention is the key.

Intentionally keeping our hearts open allows us to be more present with life energy and to express more of our Divine nature. Both which are key to collective unity and harmony.

The second half of December is good for purification. Continue the heart opening, meditate, eat and drink cleanly. Focus on what your body, mind and spirit needs to be healthily prepared and poised for the changes due toward the end of the month. These shifts will occur in order to restore balance. Whatever changes are thrust upon you – you are strong enough to integrate. The key is to listen to your wisdom - it will help you recognise and healthily embrace, rather than oppose these changes and fall into familiar dysfunctional coping strategies.

We are always connected to the Source of Life, however, during this time, we can feel the connection more easily and powerfully. So do whatever it is that brings you to that quiet, still space. Open your heart and witness how life flows when we’re ‘plugged in’. It will happen differently for everyone, the potential is there for accelerated spiritual transformation on individual and collective levels.

The more we intend to, and actively, open our hearts, the more we will experience personal and collective harmony. From greater levels of harmony, will come natural collaboration and cooperation, in small and big ways, that will inherently have reciprocal benefits for all of life. This is the way of the Heart.

Aloha: being watchful; working with unity; truthful honesty; humility; patience, perseverance (Curby Rule, The Deeper Meaning of Aloha).

Aloha, a way of life.

With love,


Helene Collard has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing and is a Reiki Master Teacher. She lives in the NSW Northern Rivers area and is now offering Reiki & Wellbeing: treatments, sessions & classes from Nurture Health & Wellness, 115 Keen St, Lismore. Helene also designs and facilitates workshops, and is currently delivering her workshop for Professionals and Carers in the area of Secondary Trauma & Self-care. For enquiries & bookings email or phone 0405 656 797.
