Natural Law - September 2017

We are all self-governing.

Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,

to guide us in the way of the Heart.

You are all my relations. All is One.


The wheels of change are turning. We are at a pivotal place in our transformation. For some the last weeks and months have been arduous to say the least, for others, the road has felt lighter. The common theme however, is new beginnings.

As we step into the new chapter, we are shown what needs to fall away, and what we need to embrace, in order to support our dreams, and our personal and collective destiny.

Everything is perfect right now. If we embrace this trusting approach, even when we initially feel let down by life, we allow things to run their natural course. Have you signed up for a life of suffering or an extraordinary life of love and joy? If you commit to the latter, then believe that everything that happens is perfect, and, designed to bring you closer to a life of love and joy. The universe works in mysterious ways, guiding us to learn and grow on the path to self-actualisation.

It is true this road can feel rocky and stress impacts our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Relaxation practices such as meditation or yoga are a sound way to create balance during difficult times. The energy healing system of Reiki is a modality known for it’s deep relaxation effect and is incredibly centreing. It also supports the recipient through change and recovery. Reiki is a true complimentary therapy as it supports and enhances any other treatment (including medical) you may be receiving.

If you’d like to experience the deep support of Reiki, I’d love to hear from you. Contact me on 0405 656 797 or

Yours in Wellbeing,



Reiki Circle 7 September 6:30pm Topic: The Lower Chakras

Reiki Level 1 Course 9-10 September, 9-4pm

Evolve Events 21 September at 6:30pm Topic: ‘Getting Physically Comfortable – The Way Forward’ with Martha Regnault

Reiki Level 2 Course 14 & 21 October, 9-4pm

Yogalates Fridays 9:00am

Finding Your Core Fridays 11am

Holistic Healing Treatments Reiki-Aura Treatments, Healing Heart Attunements, Craniosacral Energetics, Reconnective Healing, Foot Reflexology, Remedial Massage, Facial Reflexology, Life Alignment.

Visit for more information.

Helene has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing, is a Reiki Master and the Founder of the Yemaya Centre and Evolve Events in Lismore. Helene’s approach to wellbeing is focused in personal growth. Helene offers regular Courses and Circles, and enjoys making a range of wellbeing topics accessible to the community through Evolve Events. Helene has been writing Natural Law and delivering wellbeing workshops since 2008. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.
