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Natural Law - September 2015

I am self-sovereign, as are you.

I acknowledge the ancestors, mine and yours,

past and present.

You are all my relations. All is One.

Hello, Hello.

Last month I mentioned 3 philosophical points for your consideration: interconnectedness, interdependence and initiation.

I described initiation as ‘appropriate ceremonies, rituals, tests or periods of instruction that impart knowledge and support the embodiment of wisdom’.

Most of us think of initiation as something that occurs in indigenous, spiritual or other groups. However, I suggest that everyone can experience initiation at least through major life tests. The key is to identify your major test and name it as an initiation. This then respects the experience and then importantly, opens the door for you to learn and heal. Alternatively, when we view our life tests, only as something terrible that we want to forget, we create a sense of separation from the experience, including with the associated feelings. This leads me to the next point on interconnectedness.

It is one thing to agree that our physical and spiritual world is an interconnected web of multifaceted relationships. In the words of David Suzuki, ‘everything is relational and nothing exists in isolation’. It is however, another thing entirely, to consistently conduct yourself in a manner that embodies this philosophy. In order to do such a thing, we would need to dependably behave and respond in ways that create, invite and maintain interconnections. Therefore, if we consider the example mentioned earlier, when we embrace life tests that feel horrible, we allow connection to our feelings, which leads to awareness and healing. However if we disassociate from difficult life experiences, we effectively create and maintain separation.

Furthermore, if we bring this pattern of disconnecting, into other areas of our multifaceted lives, we only increase our feelings of estrangement which in-turn decreases our feelings of security, in our inner and outer worlds. Then, from a place of fragmentation and fear, we seek to fill the voids of separation through co-dependency in the form of: drugs, alcohol, sex, dysfunctional helping relationships, exploitative relationships, improper use of power, not speaking our truth, and the list goes on. Therefore, disassociation negatively impacts on our ability to be healthily interdependent.

Personally expressing interconnectedness, interdependence and initiation will bring deep-meaning to our world and is essential for your growth and the flourishing of our collective community. From these solid foundations, we can begin to re-build law, life, community service and governance to resonate with the heart.

With love,


Helene Collard has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing and is a Reiki Master Teacher. She lives in the NSW Northern Rivers area with her partner and two young children. Helene is currently offering Reiki courses & treatments, and also workshops for professionals and carers in the area of Secondary Trauma & Self-care. For more information, email

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