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Natural Law #155 - September 2023

We are all self-governing.

Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,

to guide us in the way of the Heart.

You are all my relations. All is One.

Welcome to edition #155 of Natural Law!

Spring is here in the Southern hemisphere, Autumn (or Fall) in the Northern hemisphere. The cycles of life continue on and on…

The first half of September, wherever you are in the world, is an excellent time to cleanse and declutter on all levels – body, mind, spirit, materially, emotionally, mentally, psychically. Review relationships, behaviours, habits, patterns, and release whatever has run its course. Simultaneously, it’s a great time to explore new lifestyle habits, as you create new space to receive goodness into your life. Listen to your body, it will indicate where change needs to happen.

September offers a strong opportunity for you to shift into a higher frequency mode. Please note this will only come, with synchronizing your body, mind and spirit, with the harmony and rhythm of nature and natural time. So get outside and soak mother nature in through all your senses.

Acknowledge the current mainstream systems of knowing, being and doing in the world create a society of sickness – through disconnection, stress and environmental toxic load, including our political, economic, social, education, health and other systems. A quick glance at global health statistics, in the most ‘developed' and 'so called' 'civilised’ countries, show exponential growth in: cancer; mental illness; neurodivergence; trauma; violent crime; homelessness; and other chronic disease and social issues.

The proof is in the pudding that the ‘civilised’ are not as ‘advanced’ as is thought. Yet the key here is not to blame the system, or point the finger at ‘this or that’. It is time for self-responsibility. Moving away from self-pity, or wallowing in the world as it is, or at worse, apathy. Reject what makes you sick – whether that be, mentally, emotionally, physically. If something or someone isn’t good for your nervous system, if it makes you anxious, or reduces your capacity to respond to life in the way you want to, then September is the time to retreat and have a break. Are you here to please people? Are you here to wallow in pity? Are you here to play small? Are you here to tip-toe around? Are you here to be unhealthily co-dependent? Or are you here to burn your hand on the fire, learn the lesson and find a new way to keep warm, that isn't harmful to you or others?

“Just because you can, does not mean that you should” (Sherrilyn Kenyon)

When we take self-responsibility, we put our hand up and say, I am willing to be self-responsible for how I show up, and the impact that has on those around me and my community. Sometimes, with courage, this reflection leads to engagement with professional therapeutic support, and/or medication, in order to increase mental/emotional stability, which in turn, increases capacity to receive and respond, (rather than react), when life’s challenges inevitably occur. Relationships are two-way. The law of the land is reciprocity. There is always an exchange happening. However ensuring it's a healthy and quality exchange is another thing. If that doesn’t feel possible right now – have a break.

Sitting in the fire of conflict and challenge from the perspective of self-responsibility, often means making decisions that may feel uncomfortable, and even painful, for you and others. However, if you know deep down they are right, and you stand-by them, you can interrupt unhealthy relationship patterns and create freedom for all involved. When we treat people like victims, we give them the message, they are a victim. This is appropriate while someone heals from a major trauma or loss. However, when we treat people like a victim, as an ongoing relationship dynamic or story, over years or even a lifetime, we reinforce the message they are: fragile, weak, incapable and powerless.

Tune-in to what is taking too much of your energy, and let it go. Create space. Begin new lifestyle habits. If you can do this, you will receive a propulsion of new energy. New, open doors will appear, but this will only happen if you polarize where needed. You will know. Big times for upgrade and ascension into the divine self you have always been.

Contact me for Reiki Treatments, Reiki Courses, Ceremonial Cacao, Blue Lotus and a couple of Mayan Galactic Calendars left.

For the Highest Good of All,


Visit to see what’s on.

Helene Collard is a first generation Australian, with ancestral roots in the island of Mauritius. She is a qualified and experi