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Natural Law - May 2016

We are all self-governing.

Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,

to guide us in the way of the Heart.

You are all my relations. All is One.


Many a deep thinker has contemplated the question, “why are we here?” Each and every person is special and important and holds a unique expression of divinity within their heart. Therefore, through our physical existence on earth, our ‘job’ is to live fully and freely from the heart. It sounds a bit simple, but in reality, living from the heart is a lifelong journey.

The reason for this is because life on earth, particularly in more recent times, has a tendency to be dense and complex. The long legacy of trauma inflicted on humans, by humans, has created extended lines of trans- and intergenerational trauma, that become embedded in the family line. Therefore most people today, whether they recognise it or not, carry the wounds of their ancestors.

Subsequently, many people replay (often unconsciously), their ancestral scars in various ways, throughout their own lives. As a result many struggle through life and continue to carry the family pain…

Back to living in the heart…now we can begin to understand why this is a lifelong journey. Another facet worthy of mention is, our heart essence, is spiritual in nature. We live in a mainstream society where our inherent spirituality is largely denied. It is left up to the individual to accept and nourish their spiritual nature. In addition, many feel distrustful and/or fearful of connecting with religious groups due to the unconscionable actions of some. Therefore, we live in a material world that does not promote nor reflect our spiritual nature.

So the odds for living in the heart are against us. Or are they?

There are a growing number of people who know that our unfolding self-improvement and spirituality is inevitable. They understand that every person’s unique heart expression, resonates with the One Heart that is the Source of all.

We are here to evolve. We are here to mature and develop over time in a positive way. We are here to heal our ancestral pain and express our divine nature – these go hand-in-hand.

May marks the beginning of a new monthly event in Lismore called ‘Evolve’. Evolve events are intended to support our ongoing evolution, by being the platform for the sharing of tools and offerings, that cover the many facets of human development and experience. So join me in growing together. Visit for enquiries and bookings. Tickets are limited.

With Love,


Helene has been practicing Reiki for 10 years and recently opened the Yemaya Centre for Reiki & Wellbeing in Lismore. Helene has a special interest in personal growth and wellbeing and offers a number of services. Helene works with individuals and groups, and has delivered a variety of wellbeing workshops since 2008. Her qualifications include, Bachelor of Trauma & Healing and Reiki Master. Evolve events are her latest offering. For more about Helene and her services visit or connect with her on 0405 656 797.

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