Natural Law - April 2017

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
Have you felt the shift in season? In the Southern Hemisphere we’ve entered Autumn, in the North, Spring. Seasons herald different shifts for each of us, however the common thread is change.
What is changing for you? What is changing within you? Our individual soul journey is such, that we develop each aspect of ourselves at different rates and times. We are multi-faceted beings, colourful, diverse and dynamic, all on our own! Allow yourself to be all of you, this may involve opening up to previously unexplored aspects of yourself. How exciting. Be gentle and accepting.
As we grow and discover ourselves, we are witnessed and reflected by the world around us. Still and gentle experiences in nature, remind and caress us into our own inner peace. Raging waters, fierce winds and storms can resemble our own inner turmoil. Love and challenges within our web of relationships, can bring sweet surrender or confrontation.
This is a wonderful time of change. Take time to recognise what is emerging for you. We are constantly growing and evolving - with increased self-awareness we can grow gracefully and intentionally.
If you would like support in feeling deeply centred and more self-aware, consider a Reiki Treatment. I offer these in-person (in Lismore 1hr/$70) or remotely by-distance (for those interstate, overseas or unable to attend 1hr/AU$60).
Whatever you do, embrace the changes that are occurring now and grow like the colourful tree you are.
Yours in Wellbeing,
Coming Up
Reiki Circle 6 April 6:30pm Topic: Using the Pendulum to Read Energy
Reiki Second Degree Course 8-9 April, 9-4pm
Evolve Events 20 April at 6:30pm
Topic: ‘Art Therapy: No Words Necessary’ with Derek Tys
Reiki First Degree Course 6 & 13 May (2 Saturdays) 9-4pm
Vinyasa Flow Yoga Tuesdays 5:30pm & Thursdays 6:30am
Yogalates Fridays 9:00am
Finding Your Core Fridays 11am
Visit for more information.
Helene has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing, is a Reiki Master and the Founder of the Yemaya Centre and Evolve Events in Lismore. Helene’s approach to wellbeing is focused in personal growth. Helene offers regular Courses and Circles, and enjoys making a range of wellbeing topics accessible to the community through Evolve Events. Helene has been writing Natural Law and delivering wellbeing workshops since 2008. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.