Natural Law - December 2017

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
Life is exploding on many levels and simultaneously, there is a huge shedding (or death) taking place.
During such powerful and transforming times, it can be easy to lean on unhealthy habits, such as addictions and other codependent and maladaptive behaviour. Aim to stay deeply present to each and every moment and act upon your basic needs (thirst, food, rest, sleep, movement).
When we witness ourselves in truth, we open to dissolving the internal constraints that hinder our growth and limit the closeness within our relationships. When we commit to ‘see ourselves’, and consciously embrace the process of healing, we feel renewed, more vital and free, whilst to others, we are more accessible and authentic.
So, are you hanging out on the periphery of life, controlling aspects of your life, and politely exchanging pleasantries with people? There’s nothing wrong with using your manners, but do you ask for help when you need it? Do you openly acknowledge what you want to change for yourself and make committed attempts to do so?
The potential for great change is here - harness it by bringing consciousness to your thoughts and actions.
During December, while it can be easy to overindulge, it can also be easy to choose balance, whilst seeking meaningful connection and healthy gaiety. A Reiki treatment calms and centres the body, mind and spirit, and is therefore a perfect preparation for your ‘healthy’ festive engagements. I have only a few appointments left to the end of the year, so contact me now if you’d like a healing and nurturing Reiki experience. I’m also taking bookings for January as I’ll be back on the 5/1 for those that need a ‘reset’ in the new year.
Contact Helene 0405 656 797 or
Martha will also be around for Yogalates and Craniosacral treatments until the 22 Dec and then back on the 5 January.
Contact Martha 0447 669 679
Wishing everyone a safe and salubrious December.
Yours in Wellbeing,
Coming Up
Xmas Hours: Last Day 22/12. Back on 5/1
Yogalates Fridays 9:00am
Finding Your Core Fridays 11am
Holistic Healing Treatments Reiki-Aura Treatments, Healing Heart Attunements, Craniosacral Energetics, Reconnective Healing, Reflexology & Life Alignment.
Reiki Courses Level 1: Feb 10 & 17 (2 Saturdays) - 3 spots left.
Evolve Events – will be back on Wed Jan 24, with an awesome speaker/topic to kick the year off. Stay tuned!
Visit for more information.
Helene has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing, is a Reiki Master and the Founder of the Yemaya Centre and Evolve Events in Lismore. Helene’s approach to wellbeing is focused in personal growth. Helene offers regular Courses and Circles, and enjoys making a range of wellbeing topics accessible to the community through Evolve Events. Helene has been writing Natural Law and delivering wellbeing workshops since 2008. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.