Natural Law - November 2018

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
The last week of October saw us enter a ‘New Galactic Spin’ which marks the completion of a cycle through the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar (25/10/18), and the beginning of a new one (26/10/18).
Inner alignment continues to be a strong theme in November. Deepening our spiritual connection is essential for our complete wellbeing, and most importantly, for the wellbeing of all life. There are myriad ways to connect spiritually. If you already have a practice, you may find it deepens during this time, otherwise make time to introduce and/or explore ways of connecting to Source. Affirmations, meditation, music, dance, prayer, ceremony and ritual are but a few ideas. Your intention is the key.
During the second half of November, we will be called to look deeply at the inner dynamics of our relationships – both current and past. The themes of love, partnerships, indeed all interactions with people, balance and equity are the strongest. The key during this period of review, is to become clear about where you end and the other begins. What issues are yours to iron out and what issues belong to the other? When we feel clarity around these boundaries, we increase our ability to navigate through relationship issues in a way that strengthens our integrity, and our ability to show compassion.
Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful healing modality that can provide support during times of acute dis-ease, life transition and recovery. Reiki is not a religion, however does invoke a space of stillness and allows recipients to access deeper aspects of themselves, whilst being deeply restful. In addition, I have a Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki Course coming up, and many feel this can be likened to a spiritual path.
If you are after a Reiki treatment or thinking about learning Reiki, I’d love to hear from you. Contact Helene 0405 656 797 or
Yours in Wellbeing,
Coming Up
Yogalates with Martha Regnault Fridays 9:00am & 11am
iRest® Yoga Nidra with Sam Voolstra Tuesdays 9:30am & 5:30pm
Holistic Healing Treatments Reiki-Aura Treatments, Healing Heart Attunements, Refresher Attunements, Craniosacral Energetics, Reflexology, Life Alignment, Shiatsu.
Reiki Courses Level 1: Nov 10 & 17 (2 Saturdays) Level 2: Dec 15-16. Reiki Master by appointment.
Room Rental Enquiries: Helene 0405 656 797
Visit for more information.
Helene has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing (Law & Justice), is a Reiki Master and the Founder of the Yemaya Centre for Reiki & Wellbeing in Lismore. Helene has been practicing Reiki for over a decade and currently practices and teaches Reiki in Lismore. Helene is also employed as a Facilitator with We Al-li, delivering their Culturally Informed Trauma Integrated Healing Approach (CITIHA) around Australia. Helene’s approach to wellbeing is focused in personal growth, and she has been writing Natural Law and delivering wellbeing workshops since 2008. For information, enquiries and bookings visit phone 0405 656 797.