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Natural Law #160 (February 2024)

We are all self-governing

Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,

To guide us in the way of the Heart

You are all my relations. All is One.

Lunar New Year Greetings

On the 10th of February we enter the Wood Dragon Chinese New Year. Therefore, whilst we have celebrated the birth of a new solar year on the 1st January, we have continued to clear, shed and prepare for the birth of the new lunar year. We may have done this consciously or subconsciously.

Energetically, this year is shaping up to be another epic adventure of creation and destruction, light and dark, yin and yang. Buckle up and get ‘fit’ in all three areas of body, mind and spirit. We need to have our ‘game on’. The last few years of upheaval have prepared us well for what is ahead.

We each need to intuit our what, how, where and when for any given circumstance. This is very important to listen to, and more importantly, to trust, your deepest stirrings. In this dragon year, that carries the powerful themes of strength, purpose and revolution, remember there are many ways to achieve the same result - follow your gut. ‘All roads lead to Rome.’

Make regular time to be alone and reflect on things. This is an important practice that ensures we can hear our inner knowing. We all have a vital and meaningful role to play. We all have valuable ways that we can serve for the highest good of all. Take the time to check-in with yourself, to feel your next steps.

We all have people in our corner that support us, that are there when the proverbial hits the fan. These are the people that just get you, they see you. Most importantly, when you make mistakes, these are the people that won’t judge you. Your worth and integrity is never on the table for discussion with them. Similarly, they own their mistakes. Your shared vulnerability, offers a humanness that doesn’t involve subtle, nuanced or overt dynamics of power and control. It feels easy. We all need these relationships in our lives.

On the other hand, we all have people in our lives that challenge us. Our boundaries are routinely crossed, communication may feel rough and disrespectful. Toxic games are played. When we make mistakes, we are abandoned or condemned. If we don’t play the game, we are the problem. Gaslighting. Over time, we feel anxious or constricted when our phone rings and their name comes up. We know the game we have to play, to keep this going, and it feels like the the world will fall apart, and something ‘bad’ will happen, if we stop playing. We can yield and call 'time' on this at any time, and choose to take the rich learnings on offer, and own the part we've played in these dysfunctional dynamics. There is always a choice available.

Life will never be all roses. Make regular time to be alone and reflect on things. This is an important practice that ensures we can hear our inner knowing. We all have a vital and meaningful role to play. We all have valuable ways that we can serve for the highest good of all. Your soul desperately wants you to live your fullest and highest potential of service. Take the time to check-in with yourself, to feel your next steps.

Big Love,



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